THIS IS REALLY WONDERFUL TRICK  hide ur folders without the usage of folder lock :

suppose u want to hide a folder named abc which is in D: of ur computer

go to command prompt start--->run--->cmd-->d:

after changing it from C: to D:

type D:/>attrib +h +s abc the above command is to hide the folder

to show the folder

tyoe D:/>attrib -h -s abc

in this type of hidding the folder cannot be viewed even if we make advance search or even changing the folders menu to (show all hidden files)

11. Create Hidden Drive in PC here’s how to implement the hack: first off, back up your registry as this requires adding a key to the registry. Once you’ve backed up your registry, open the registry editor by clicking on Start, Run and typing in regedit.

Now navigate to the following registry hive shown below: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Micros oft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Right-click on Explorer and choose New and then DWORD Value.

Name the new value NoDrives and then double click on it to open the properties dialog box. Click on Decimal for the Base unit