Poor security in computer systems can be very harmful for any business, no matter what is the size of the company. The information about your business and its processes is too valuable to get in the hand of some illegal hacker. However by incorporating the right security infrastructure you can minimize the chances of viruses entering your network and the theft of data.

Things you will need to protect the precious data stored in computer systems from getting hacked:

- Knowledge of the network system - Knowledge of simple network operations - Scanning software programs - Anti-virus software programs


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    Use a port scanner on your network to find all the open ports, as well as what software is running on them, keep all of these programs up to date.
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    Carry out regular backups of your data and test the backups to ensure they are in good working condition.
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    If necessary store the backup files off line for ensuring security.
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    Encrypt the data, with the help of encrypting software, which carry important details about your company that are in transit mode such as email messages traveling in and out of the business.
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    Use latest versions of antivirus software to protect against viruses, particularly in email messages.
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    Also use anti-adware and spyware software. This software provides protection against illegal programs tracking internet use or monitoring keystrokes to gather data such as passwords.
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    Install intrusion detection software to alert you when someone tries to access your system illegally.
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    Install a firewall to maintain a secure interface between the computers of your company and public networks.
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    Regularly update the software programs you are using to ensure that the security patches are installed properly and all default passwords have been reset.
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    Make sure that correct wireless protocols are used in the network systems so that all the valuable data on mobile computers is also secure to use as the data on your business computers.
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    Never ignore the issue of spam, or unsolicited email. Hence tell your employees using the network not to open every mail attachment.
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    Develop a consciousness amongst your employees about the need for security and an understanding of what could happen if a disastrous hacking takes place for lack of security culture.
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    If it is not possible for you to follow these measures, or if your systems are too complex for you to handle alone, you can always hire someone else to take care of your valuable data from getting hacked. Hire someone who has undergone embedded system training, network security trailing or information security training from some reputed institution.